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for later reference.


Scans of random printed media — possibly not found elsewhere.

Super PLAY #28: «Game Boy» appendix (SE, 1998)

«Game Boy» special appendix to the 28th edition of Super Play, a Swedish video game magazine, from june 1998.

PC World Ekspress Nr. 14 (NO, 2000)

PC World Norge Ekspress Nr. 14, dated 2000-04-13 - PC World Norways news bulletin.

Hovefestivalen (NO, 2007)

Official flyer (line-up) and som other hand-outs from The Hove Festival, held on Tromøya (Arendal, Norway) in 2007.

B&W DM110 Instruction Manual (EN, 1984)

Instruction manual for B&W DM110 digital monitor system from 1984.